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Dr John Burton


I salute you as a Doctor and Great Teacher. Now my last job is to see if others will give you justified recognition.
- Dr John Burton, LL M Medical Law Research

Sylvia Turner


A positive side to this possible connection is that it gave me the opportunity to explore your work. It is a magnificent research project and one of which you should be proud. It has opened my eyes to another side of Irish history. Thank-you
- Sylvia Turner, Senior Lecturer, University of Winchester, West Hill, Winchester England

Vera Sheridan


Having listened to the interview with you I think you are quite saintly, especially from the way you help people in search of their roots. It may seem a cliché but we all like to know where we come from and who our ancestors were.

Margaret Hogan


I am writing to thank you, on behalf of the Chairman of the Irish Jewish Museum and its Management Committee, for the wonderful lecture you gave on Sunday 21st August 2016 in the IJM.

One of the biggest audiences ever to attend an IJM event was present to hear you speak. It demonstrates the high regard in which you are held and the value your community places on your research. The Chairman and Management Committee also want to thank you for the priceless gift of the 19 volumes of your life's work of research on Irish Jewry. This is one of the most treasured items in the Museum. It will be your legacy to your community in Ireland and to future generations. Your generosity in donating it to the Museum is greatly appreciated and will be marked forever by the special plaque which the Jewish Representative Council of Ireland and the Management Committee will erect in the Museum. We wish you and Beverly health and happiness in your new life in London and we look forward to seeing you in the Museum whenever you visit Dublin , and Beverly for coffee whenever she visits Dublin!
- Kind regards Margaret Hogan (Hon Sec IJM)

Yvonne (Altman OConnor)


Dear Stuart, I just want to thank you again for your exquisite talk yesterday at the museum. It was wonderful to have such a great turn out and everyone really enjoyed it.

Thank you for all the work you put into such a presentation. We shall all miss you greatly and I personally will miss your great self and all your kindness and support throughout the past years. I hope you and Beverly will find a good home and much happiness in London and I look forward to staying in touch. Wishing you well in all that you do,
- Yvonne (Altman OConnor)

Rhonda Shekley


Stuart. I can't even begin to thank you for the life changing experience you gave to my mother for her 80th birthday.

You were so informative and inspirational. I still can't believe the experience we had at Raymond Street, that the women's name was actually Jenny, moms grandmothers name. Thank you for joining us at the cemetery and being our guide. It was a pleasure meeting you. I'm excited to share this information with the other members of my family. Please stay in touch , I owe you dinner in London. You helped to fulfil every wish my mother had in coming to Dublin. All the best. Much appreciation
- Rhonda Shekley,03/07/2016

Todd Knowles


My name is Todd Knowles and I am a member of the staff at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. I specialize in Jewish research, my own family, the Rosenbaum's, having come from Fordon in Poland.

I have just finished reading the Mar 17,2013 article in The Times of Israel about your great work. In various trips I have taken to both Ireland and England, I have heard wonderful things about the database and your efforts, you have been very instrumental in helping many families. I just wanted to add both my congratulations to you and also my thanks for the great work. What an incredible blessing you are to so many. All my best!
- W. Todd Knowles A.G. British Reference Unit The Family History Library 35 North, West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 U.S.A.

Eddie Murphy

I am very impressed with your project and it could only have been a labour of love. It is as the say "A Great Credit to you"
- Eddie Murphy

Gerald Steinberg

The volume you so kindly presented to the Community is a veritable encyclopaedia of Northern Ireland Jewry and will be an invaluable source of reference for many generations to come. Sincerest thanks from me to you for your amazing work & commitment.
- Gerald Steinberg BELFAST

Anne Lapedus

What a wealth of information you have gathered and put into this marvellous book about the entire Irish [Jewish] community, so much value, not only to those reading it now. But for generations to come.
- Anne Lapedus.

Julie Marcus

There are no words to convey the magnitude to the task you have undertaken.
- Julie Marcus.

Howard A. Cohn, Syrna Georgia

Stuart: My wife and I want to thank you so much for the time we spent together with you on our journey to Dublin. Not only was it educational, but also personally rewarding to meet someone like you who has dedicated his life to such a fantastic endeavour. It was an honour to meet you. I hope that someday, you can journey to Atlanta and we can reciprocate with our own hospitality.
- Howard A. Cohn, MBA, PFS Certified Public Accountant and Syrna Georgia

Dear Stuart, You have solved a mystery! My family was wondering why the bride's sister-in-law, Edith Jackson, my great-grandmother, did not accompany her husband, Asher, to the wedding.

Thanks to your providing the date of the wedding, the answer is that Edith was at home with her newborn son, my grandfather David Jackson. We have almost no information about Lena Jackson and her family, aside from a census record that my mother located that records her name as Leah Freedman, and that she had a daughter Haidee, born around January 1910.

Jason Rosenblatt

Hi Dad, Just wanted to write a small note to you to say that I thought you were great yesterday [in Manchester]. Your talk had a mixture of both humour and information which is always a good mix.

The audience was very much engaged and I think that you could tell that they thought that by your carousel programme was fabulous. You really should think about copyrighting it and selling it as it's so unique. It was great seeing you talk and I am glad that I went--in fact the speeches I heard were entertaining dispelling by overall belief that your all boring. Of course this is all leading up to something and I very much look forward to hearing and seeing you speak in person in Salt Lake City Utah where I would graciously accept your invitation.
- Your loving son Jason Rosenblatt Deputy Director of Human Resources , Luton & Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Denni Ann


Stuart, You have moved me to tears, given the document that shows the next generation of my family. I am sure you understand.

It must have been nerve racking for Rose and Henry to have to be investigated by the immigration personnel, wondering why and if they would be sent back. I cannot imagine the terror. Please tell me how I can send a check to you (or money order) or wire to support your work as well as the procurement of the document you have so graciously scanned and sent to me. I cannot think of how long or even if I would have found it without your help. I am sure other Jews with roots in Ireland, albeit however short, must feel the same about your enduring work. Again, deepest thanks for your work and the sharing of it.
- Denni Ann

Chairman of the Irish Jewish Museum and its Management Committee


Dear Stuart, I am writing to thank you, on behalf of the Chairman of the Irish Jewish Museum and its Management Committee, for the wonderful lecture you gave on Sunday 21st August 2016 in the IJM.

One of the biggest audiences ever to attend an IJM event was present to hear you speak. It demonstrates the high regard in which you are held and the value your community places on your research. The event was videoed and recorded by Clontarf media and we were each very appreciative to receive an email from Michael Fitzgerald with the video attached.

Anne Beckwith


Hello Stuart The book was purchased to go into the genealogical collection of State Library Victoria, Australia, As you are probably aware, a significant proportion of the Australian population are of Irish descent,

some of whom are also Jewish. So any resources we can offer that help our active and enthusiastic family history research community are very much appreciated.
- Regards Anne Beckwith For Christine Butler Collection Development & Purchased Resources State Library Victoria | 328 Swanston Street | Melbourne VIC 3000 T +61 3 8664 7000 | monoacq@slv.vic.gov.au slv.vic.gov.au

Michelle Frances Maslan Younker


Dear Stuart, Words cannot convey how grateful I am for this incredible gift you are giving to my family and to the entire Jewish world. I look forward to reading through it in its entirety and being able to pass it down to my children and future generations.

I truly enjoyed meeting you and feel very honored that you were willing and able to sit with my family (boisterous though we may be) for such a long time!!! I'm glad you enjoyed your visit as well. I look forward to keeping in touch with you and to follow your progress...maybe see your leather bound volume and hear about your NEXT 56,000 entries!!!
- Sincerely, Michelle Frances Maslan Younker, Seattle


Congratulations on the tremendous honor of being named President designate for the Genealogical Society of Ireland. I expect that the Irish take their genealogy very seriously.

It is a testament to your diligent scholarship that despite your lack of deep ancestral roots in Ireland that you were elected to that position. As for my brother, he was not so lucky in his election narrowly losing his re election campaign for mayor a year ago. Though I believe the city of Annapolis now regrets its choice.
- Kind regards, Nat

Aaron Kula


Dear Stuart, Wonderful book and quite interesting. Thanks again for the lift back to Trinity. I am still reading through the book and only got back a few days ago from my trip.

If I come into contact with any Jews with Irish background I will have them contact you. Also the leather bound book is beautiful. You do wonderful work and it was a pleasure meeting you!.
- Aaron Kula, Director of Music Performance & Education, Florida, Atlantic University Libraries, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida

Rabbi and Sheila Pearlman


Dear Stuart, Congratulations on the many honors that you have deserved and earned from the Mayor of Dublin and from so many other sources through the volumes of your research that are now available in the National Library Dublin and in the National Archives.

Your work is unique. No other community has documented the generations of its existence, including the vital records of birth, death, marriage, schooling, and related interesting matters. You, a true Irishman, have performed a mitzvah on behalf of the Irish Jewry. The Irish Times, JC, Wall Street Journal, and the scholars of the Irish Genealogical Society, of which you serve as President, all have affirmed the unique value of your 19 volumes of Irish Jewish existence and Irish Jewish contributions to Irish society. The importance of this legacy to which you have allocated years of dedicated research has been recognized.
- Rabbi and Sheila Pearlman

We have almost no information about Lena Jackson and her family, aside from a census record that my mother located that records her name as Leah Freedman, and that she had a daughter Haidee, born around January 1910.

Gerald Steinberg

I am not used to getting such a prompt response, never mind even a response at all, to any requests I make & here you are sending the requested copy from the front section of your book right away. Again, much appreciated & thank you. Please do let me know in advance when you are next to be in Belfast so we may make arrangements to extend some hospitality.
- Kind Regards Gerald Steinberg


I see that you are trying to raise money for records from Joyce House. I was married in 2000 (9th April) at Cork Hebrew Congregation. I was told by Fred Rosehill we were the first Jewish marriage since the 1950s. My spouse is Silke Mueter (Yael Bat Avraham). Hope this helps and Mazel TOV on all you are doing.
- Alex

Jewish Representative Council of Ireland and the Management Committee

The Chairman and Management Committee also want to thank you for the priceless gift of the 19 volumes of your life's work of research on Irish Jewry. This is one of the most treasured items in the Museum. It will be your legacy to your community in Ireland and to future generations. Your generosity in donating it to the Museum is greatly appreciated and will be marked forever by the special plaque which the Jewish Representative Council of Ireland and the Management Committee will erect in the Museum.

Sheila Pearlman

Thank you for the vehement commitment you have demonstrated. Moreover, future generations will be able to access data about their lineage firmly planted in the Irish Jewish community.
- Sheila Pearlman

Freddie Rosehill

The Cork Hebrew Congregation both past and present whose history you preserved factually and correctly with a patient labour of love - we will always be deeply indebted to you.
- Freddie Rosehill

IT WAS MY DOORWAY into the lives of my long lost family.

Deirdre O’Doherty


Stuart. I am stuck for words . Yours have touched me so very much . How did I find such a wonderful caring man to help me. Threads must have been pulled from above or possibly even yanked ! And then you directed me to the Amazing Sidney [Katzen]. Am sure I shall be nudged to contact you both into the future. You have dedicated your life to a wonderful cause and I can feel the warmth that you will provide to those seeking your help.
- Deirdre O’Doherty

Sarah Adler


Stuart Rosenblatt based in Dublin and is a complete genealogy walking history book!
- Sarah Adler

Margaret Hogan Dublin


Your contribution to the history of the Jewish people in Ireland is inestimable. Your volumes are a testament to your scholarship and research. And speaking on a personal basis, we will miss you!
- Margaret Hogan Dublin

Simon Fineman


We saw your book on the DNA of Irish Jewry whilst visiting family in the USA. It is a remarkable achievement for which you deserve great praise. Really well done.
-Simon Fineman

Maurice Cowan


Stuart deserves the highest civil honour from the Irish Government for what is the most unique record of any ethnic group of people in Europe.
-Maurice Cowan

Anne Lapedus


Maurice, indeed he does. He has over 52,000 names on that database and he has done such a huge amount of work, you have no idea. I always say he should be knighted!! Sir Stuart, has a lovely ring to it.
-Anne Lapedus